We did a little digging on the screen shot shared by MJBiz about the recent User Agreement update by Dutchie about their newest payment partner Mobile Payments LLC. There is ALOT of concerning info here about the update, their plan to offer bitcoin as a payment option and much more. This company seems to try to duplicate what ReThink offers, but based on their payment partners website this might be a massive disaster.
We hope we are wrong. View the whole episode here and be the judge yourself.
See the full explanation of WeedMart’s Cannabis Saas platform here.
My internet dropped hardcore for a couple minutes so you can skip from 18:00 to 20:00 but the rest of it goes over some really interesting points and other cases of bitcoin being used for cannabis.
link to the screen shot here – https://21108639.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/21108639/PNX%20Amendment.pdf?_hsmi=267559773&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9FmTj1cCqGuRyy3-XgAvuW0_viZ-mcMQ4utuH21HRdRFT8EkmlZTjQaG26llg8sp_S-axjp1INNq45rljTgKqfm5sY-Q
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